Specialist Intervention Team (SIT)
At Curnow School our learners and staff have access to additional support from the Specialist Intervention Team (SIT). The Intervention Coordinators and In House teams ensure that Children and Young People access the right level of support in school to meet their therapeutic outcomes. They are highly skilled staff who specialise in a variety of school-based interventions.
The team aims to:
- Provide early identification of a child/young person’s needs and offer early therapeutic intervention. This intervention is personalised, highly specialised and integrated support that delivers positive outcomes for children/young people.
- Further develop an equitable offer enabling fair access to therapeutic services which is delivered based on identified need. The SIT approach is child centred and holistic, with a clear focus on the input of children/young people and their families as part of the therapeutic programme; providing families with specialist information, advice and support
- Develop a sustainable, multi-disciplinary, specialist intervention resource working innovatively in schools, across the Trust, with multi-agency partners across Cornwall and Devon.
- Develop professional career pathways, supported by expertise that support the Trust's recruitment, retention and reward strategies. Developing and retaining highly skilled staff ensuring that the Trust is able to meet the needs of all children and young people in Trust provision and across Cornwall and Devon.
When might a child/young person be referred to the SIT?
To receive some additional resources to support communication or sensory regulation in school.
They have been discharged from a therapy team with recommendations for 1:1 interventions.
They have a new Therapy Health Care Plan/Communication Plan that needs to be completed during class time.
They need additional support to access swimming/hydro/rebound/regulation activities.
Parents/Carers or their class team feel they need a referral to an outside professional, for example, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or CAMHS
A referral to an outside team has been rejected but has recommendations of outcomes to be met to ensure a successful re-referral.
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