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Core - Mathematics

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Maths at Curnow - the journey through our school 


Our Maths offer will enable all pupils to develop their maths skills which further prepares them well for their next step/ stage becoming more fluid in the fundamentals of mathematics. Our curriculum will encourage pupils to use their skills to reason mathematically, use the key vocabulary obtained appropriately which encourages them to apply their maths skills to solve problems within their everyday lives with greater confidence.



Maths is delivered through the EYFS area of Mathematics where the 5 counting principles are introduced. Maths is delivered as a core subject from KS1 – KS3 with a maths mastery approach underpinning our offer; long term planning is driven by the key skills of number, measure and geometry, statistics and probability to ensure a breadth in the Maths offer delivered. Maths teaching within KS4 – Post 16 is part of the Preparing for Adulthood curriculum where maths learning is embedded and focused upon the application of Maths skills to increasingly complex situations. The further development of pupils’ Maths skills is additionally addressed via the identification of Maths registers which are delivered through the school day/ week. 


Pupils use their acquired mathematical skills with greater confidence using such skills more appropriately. Through developing skill acquisition, pupils demonstrate a greater ability to solve problems, use their mathematical language appropriately supporting the development of their life/ independence skills including where appropriate, within the world of work. When identified as adding value to learning / consideration of next steps pupils leave school having developed their maths skills to acquire formal qualifications/ accreditation outcomes. Data collection through our assessment systems will support teachers to ensure that pupils make expected or exceed expected progress from their starting point in this area of the curriculum.


We ensure parents and carers are fully informed about our maths offer by sharing information, resources and home learning ideas through our school newsletter. Please see the QR code below for an example of our interactive Padlet.